วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Level 4 Gymnastics Beam Routine Requirements

Gymnastic beam is one of two events in gymnastics that are timed. A level 4 gymnastics beam routine time limit is 50 seconds. If a gymnast goes over her time she will receive a 0.10 deduction from her beam score. Based on the height of the beam and gymnast, a mat or spring board may be needed to mount the gymnastics beam. This is allowed as long as the extra mounting surface is removed as soon as the gymnast mounts. If it is not removed the gymnast will receive a deduction from her beam score.


*Leg Swing Mount-Must turn 180 degrees in a continuous motion ending in a straddle sit with correct body position

*V-Sit to Tuck Stand-must maintain a straight and hollow body position until both feet are above the beam. Once legs are above the beam pull them in to land in a tuck stand.

*Heal Snap Turn-When stepping in coupe you must remain on toe until foot arrives next to ankle. Once the foot arrives at ankle go flat then rise in releve to perform a heal snap turn. Once the turn is finished, immediately drop to a flat foot and pause.

*Leap-leg separation on the leap must be a minimum of 60 degrees. Must maintain straight legs and pointed toes throughout the leap and land in a low, paused, arabesque position

*Handstand-Handstand must be three forths minimum. Be sure to lever in and out of the handstand while stretching out body and closing legs at the top. Hands must be side by side while in the handstand; they cannot be staged.

*Half Turn-Must complete a 180 degree turn on toe; show control before stepping out to finish.

*Straight Jump (Stretch Jump)-Push through toes to get great height while maintain a straight body and close feet together during the jump.

*Tuck Jump-Tuck must be a minimum of 90 degrees. Tuck must be tight and quick and must open before landing back on the beam

*Arabesque- Back leg must lift behind at a minimum of 45 degrees and must be held for at least 1 second.

*Scale- Back leg must lift a minimum of 90 degrees and be held for at least 2 seconds. The Gymnast must keep both legs locked out and chest up while performing both the scale and arabesque.

*Pivot Turn-Stay in full releve while completing a sharp and tight 180 degree turn.

*Dismount- Must maintain a straight tight body while doing a cartwheel to side handstand. Once at the top legs much touch together and be held for a minimum of 1 second. After being held, do a quarter turn dismount. Body should remain straight from start to finish.

Gymnastics beam is all about balance. Make sure your routine is not lacking in connections and/or rhythm. Each gymnastics skill needs to lead into the next with grace and aggressiveness.

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